By Leo Babauta
My wife Eva and I have been vegan for over 11 years now, and we love it. I don’t talk about veganism a lot on Zen Habits, but today I’d love to share a little about it, if you’ll indulge me.
Let me start by talking about why I’m vegan, and then I’ll share a few tips on how to make becoming vegan as easy as possible, in case you’re interested.
So the first thing is that veganism, for me, is about compassion. Yes, it has a huge environmental impact — probably bigger than anything else you can do, including ditching a car or going electric vehicle. Yes, switching to eating plants can often have a huge health impact, if you’ve been eating a lot of junk and not a lot of veggies. But for me, the reason is compassion.
Animals are fellow living beings, and even if they aren’t human, I feel they deserve our compassion. Anyone who has a dog or a cat as a loved one knows what I’m talking about, but all of us have looked into the eyes of an animal and felt a heart connection. I believe they deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, not as objects for our pleasure. If you agree with that, then I hope you’ll consider learning more about how they’re treated if they’re raised for food or clothing.
I grew up thinking that meat and dairy and eggs were simply food items — in the back of my mind, I knew that they came from animals, but I’d been protected from the reality of that. The animal agriculture industry is invested in us not looking more deeply than what we see in the grocery store. But it’s all horrors, if we bother to look.
So when I found the courage to face this and educate myself, I couldn’t close my eyes any more. I had to decide whether I was willing to ignore these horrors, just so I could have the pleasures of meat, cheese, eggs that I’d grown accustomed to.
If we’re being honest, these foods are for our pleasure. We no longer need to eat animal products to survive, nor thrive. I have been living a very healthy life for over a decade — I’m strong, not underweight, not anemic, not deficient on any vitamins or minerals. And it hasn’t been hard at all. It doesn’t require a ton of careful planning, nor does it feel like deprivation or sacrifice.
I love eating vegan food! I eat mostly whole plant food — lentils, greens, fruits, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, avocados, nuts and seeds make up the majority of my diet lately. But in recent weeks I’ve also had vegan pizza, burgers, fries, cookies, banana bread, donuts, pad Thai, and more. I indulge, and it’s all vegan, and all delicious.
I’m a healthy vegan because:
- I eat mostly whole plants, delicious as anything
- I exercise daily. Running, walking, strength training, sports.
- I get good sleep.
- I make sure to get the nutrients I need: a decent amount of protein for all the exercise I do, pretty much all the vitamins and minerals my body needs from my plant foods, plus I supplement with Vitamin B12, Vitamin D (especially in winter), and Omega 3 (from seaweed).
And I’m a happy vegan, because I let myself enjoy life. I don’t care about wearing leather or wool. I feel good about my choices. And I don’t judge anyone else. I just model being a healthy, happy vegan.
The Easy Way to Go Vegan
What I learned is that you don’t have to go all or nothing. If you’re interested in making this compassionate change, then I suggest the following:
The main thing is to not stress about any of it, and make it as easy and enjoyable as you can. Let me know if you have questions!