“We are not at war with Russia”, declared the French President in his interview with TF1 and France 2. So why send weapons to Kiev so that Russia doesn’t win this war?
It was difficult to follow Emmanuel Macron’s thoughts during his interview with journalists from TF1 and France2 on Thursday March 14, 2024. The President was expected to clarify his position on sending ground troops to Ukraine. Instead, his mishmash of confused words about war and peace, about an adversary who is not an enemy, served to blur the message.
Peace does not mean surrendering to Ukraine
From the outset, the President announced that the war in Ukraine is “existential for our Europe and for France”, specifying that “we will never take the offensive, we will never take the initiative”. But “Today, to have peace in Ukraine, we must not be weak, and so we must look at the situation lucidly and we must, with determination, will, courage, say that we are ready to reach the means to reach our objective, which is that Russia does not win… Peace is not the capitulation of Ukraine.”
Would our security be threatened?
So are France, Europe and NATO going to war? “We are ready to provide the means” to support Ukraine, explains the head of state. Ground troops? “We are not escalating, we are not at war with Russia, but we must not let Russia win”. Because, “if Russia were to win, the lives of French people would change [and] our security would be threatened”. This war is “existential for our Europe and for France… The security of Europe and the French is at stake over there”.
In short, the President confirms that France, as a nuclear power, runs the risk of becoming cobelligerent, and therefore of having to confront the Russian army, the world’s leading nuclear power, directly. And what do you think will happen if Kiev bombs Moscow with French weapons?
Just to clarify, 68% of French people disapprove of Macron sending soldiers to Ukraine.
Would our security be threatened?
So are France, Europe and NATO going to war? “We are ready to provide the means” to support Ukraine, explains the head of state. Ground troops? “We are not escalating, we are not at war with Russia, but we must not let Russia win”. Because, “if Russia were to win, the lives of French people would change [and] our security would be threatened”. This war is “existential for our Europe and for France… The security of Europe and the French is at stake over there”.
In short, the President confirms that France, as a nuclear power, runs the risk of becoming cobelligerent, and therefore of having to confront the Russian army, the world’s leading nuclear power, directly. And what do you think will happen if Kiev bombs Moscow with French weapons?
Just to clarify, 68% of French people disapprove of Macron sending soldiers to Ukraine.
M. Macron se ridiculise par un verbiage manipulateur des réalités:
Les intérêts vitaux, La sécurité et La Défense Nationale de la France ne sont absolument pas menacés. pic.twitter.com/UBz3r9asyC— Emmanuel de Villiers (@E2Villiers) March 14, 2024
Conférence Emmanuel Macron :
– La Russie ne doit pas gagner
– Pour avoir la paix il ne faut pas être faible
– Si la Russie gagne nous serons en danger, il en va de la sécurité de l’Europe.
– Si la Russie gagne, le crédit de l’Europe sera à 0.
– Poutine ne s’arrêtera pas à… pic.twitter.com/jfkqG7kOcO— 𝒮𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒽 𝕏 (@SarahHRakM1) March 14, 2024