Benjamin Netaniahou and his advisors (capture euronews)
How long will the lies, the manipulation of public opinion, the cowardice of the UN and the criminal complicity of the media continue in the war that has been raging between Israel and Gaza for almost a year now? Several testimonies (below) invite us to see another reality.
On Saturday, September 7, 2024, in the eleventh month of the war, the Israeli army bombed a school sheltering displaced Gazans. Three dead, 20 wounded. Tsahal claimed to have targeted a Hamas command center. As usual. And as always, Western capitals pretend to believe it.
Complotistic and anti-Semitic
Benjamin Netanyahu’s terrible lie, relayed by every TV channel in the world, makes us uncomfortable. Uncomfortable at having to look away from this genocide perpetrated before our very eyes, behind closed doors, as Israel wishes. One hundred and eight journalists were deliberately killed by the Israeli army in order to maintain its monopoly on the news.
The only images that reach Western television are those duly controlled by Israel. The only valid narrative is that of Netanyahu and his henchmen. And those who dare to question the official word of the Hebrew state are accused of conspiracy and anti-Semitism. Is the truth anti-Semitic?
Terrorist attack or Hamas act of resistance?
Yet more and more voices are being raised to denounce the crass lies being told to justify the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
The October 7 attack, for example. Terrorist attack or act of resistance by the Palestinian army in the face of the Hebrew state’s abhorrent behavior? It all depends, of course, on your point of view. But the story of that terrible day is strongly challenged by a meticulous investigation by Al Jazeera’s investigative unit.
It’s about the real crimes committed by Hamas. But also others that were purely imaginary. Hostages killed by Israeli helicopter fire, others killed by Israeli tanks in their homes. As for the story of the 40 babies killed and sometimes beheaded by Hamas, it’s simply not true. The aim was to influence public opinion to justify the horror of the bombings. And it works!
“The crime of the century is unfolding before our very eyes”.
Among the voices speaking out against lies and crowd manipulation is L’Union Juive de France pour la Paix. In a video, a speaker declares: “As a French Jew, the crime of the century that is unfolding before our eyes, live, announced by the Israeli government, in our name, is unbearable to me”! The Union Juive de France pour la Paix denounces “France’s complicity through its unconditional support for the Israeli state”. It adds: “The fight for Palestine has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, it’s a fight for justice and peace […] Our compass is international law. And international law speaks of war crimes, speaks of genocide, international law says that a power that is subjugated, occupied by an occupying power has the right to resistance. That’s what international law says.
Could it be any clearer?
A écouter attentivement !
Partie 1/
— Ahmed (@Pistach27) September 7, 2024
#BoycottSalonHoche pic.twitter.com/STt70NFMN7
— Ahmed (@Pistach27) September 6, 2024
A voir absolument.
@DoubleDownNews pic.twitter.com/lfYAeaRGPs
— Caisses de grève (@caissesdegreve) September 9, 2024
« J’espère que Benjamin Netanyahu brûlera en enfer. Honte à Israël. Honte à ce que vous avez fait et cela ne sera jamais oublié. »
—Le député irlandais Thomas Gould
— STREET MEDIA (@StreetMediaFree) September 7, 2024
Gaza : genocide behind closed doors
L’article Israel-Gaza : Putting an end to the false narrative! est apparu en premier sur FrenchDailyNews.