Gabriel Attal
Selbymay, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
At 34, this son of a good family becomes the youngest Prime Minister of the Vᵉ Republic. Admittedly, this valet of the Macronie is not without talent, but his stupid stances against the non-vaccinated make him a slightly overzealous servant.
And that’s it! Borne is dead for Matignon. Madame 49.3, as she is now known, is returning to civilian life, leaving behind her a field of still smoldering ruins. To replace her, Emmanuel Macron has chosen a youngster, Gabriel Attal, 34, the youngest head of government in the Fifth Republic, even younger than Laurent Fabius who, at 37, was appointed Prime Minister by François Mitterrand in 1986.
A meteoric rise
Both have made a career within the Socialist Party. Gabriel Attal was a very young activist in the PS, joining the cabinet of Health Minister Marisol Touraine from 2012 to 2017. On that date, he then joined the new party founded by Emmanuel Macron, En Marche, becoming its spokesman. Member of Parliament in 2017, Secretary of State to the Minister of National Education in 2018, then spokesman for Jean Castex’s government from 2020 to 2022, Gabriel Attal was appointed Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts before being named Minister of National Education in July 2023.
He likes to spar with the opposition
A fine career for this young man born in Clamart (Hauts-de-Seine) to a father, a lawyer and then film producer of Tunisian Jewish origin, and a mother, Marie de Couriss, of Orthodox Christian faith and Russian descent.
After graduating from the renowned Alsatian School in Paris, Gabriel Attal enrolled at Science Po and simultaneously obtained a law degree from Assas-Panthéon.
On the love front, the young man lived for a while with singer Joyce Jonathan, but since 2017, he has been in a civil partnership with MEP Stéphane Séjourné, another pillar of the Macronie family.
A hard-working MP and highly committed minister, Gabriel Attal likes to spar with the opposition, and never shies away from a good dig at La France Insoumise or the Rassemblement national. His commitment to Macronie is total, to the point of seeming servile.
A charge against antivax
He will be remembered for his hurtful words when he was government spokesman during the pandemic.
We’re going to talk to each other frankly,” he said at a press conference. Who’s screwing up whose life today? Who is ruining the lives of our nurses who, for the past two years, have been mobilized, underwater, in our intensive care units to save patients who, today, are essentially the non-vaccinated? These are the people who oppose vaccines. Who is ruining the lives of our shopkeepers, restaurateurs, theaters and cinemas? Who, for the past two years, have been living with a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads when they haven’t been closed? Those who oppose vaccines. Who is ruining the lives of our elderly who are forced to live in solitude, in fear, in the face of the epidemic? those who oppose vaccines. (…) The words of the President of the Republic [Editor’s note: he promised to “piss off” non-vaccinators] fall far short of the anger felt by the vast majority of French people when faced with this choice to oppose vaccines […]. We act, we explain and we assume”.
Indeed, now we have to face up to the fact that vaccines against Covid-19 have never protected against transmission of the virus. Now, who’s going to piss off whom, Prime Minister?
Gabriel Attal appuie encore plus fort: « Qui emmerde qui ».
Un message de haine envers les 6 millions de non-vaccinés, bientôt 16 millions après le refus de 3eme dose.En Marche devient le parti de l’apartheid, de la division et de la haine. Danger pic.twitter.com/jYUlskmR9V
— Philippe Murer
(@PhilippeMurer) January 5, 2022
L’article Gabriel Attal : “Who’s pissing off who today?” est apparu en premier sur FrenchDailyNews.