With over 31% for the RN list and 15% for that of the presidential party, the results of the European elections in France signal the end of Macronie.

All the polls had predicted it. The results of this Sunday, June 9th, 2024, confirm the success of the Rassemblement National list led by Jordan Bardella (31.5%), which clearly outperformed all the other lists. In particular, the list led by Valérie Hayer (15.2%), Renaissance, for the presidential majority, and Raphaël Glucksmann’s Parti Socialiste-Place Publique (14%). The others are far behind: the Insoumise list with Manon Aubry (8.7%), Les Républicains with François-Xavier Bellamy (7.2%), Reconquête with Marion Maréchal (5.5%), Les Verts with Marie Toussaint (5.2%).
An anti-Macron vote
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to interpret these figures. The French have expressed their rejection of Emmanuel Macron’s policies since his re-election in 2022. We explained this on May 6, 2024. Here’s what we wrote: “(…) As for French domestic policy, nothing has gone right since Emmanuel Macron’s second election to office. Economic growth is at half-mast. The agricultural crisis has not been resolved by the executive, far from it. The situation of public finances is “worrying” according to the Cour des Comptes.
Immigration, particularly illegal immigration, remains massive in France and worries a majority of French people.
Insecurity is becoming a cause for concern, and not just in the suburbs of major cities, which are plagued by all kinds of trafficking, particularly drug trafficking. Drug dealers are settling scores with Kalashnikovs, and petty thugs are beating up those they don’t like with impunity.
Need we mention the collapse of the healthcare system? The absence of parental authority, the abandonment of public services, the undermining of secularism, the breathless judicial machinery? Whatever the subject, wherever you look, everything is falling apart in our beautiful Republic. The values and principles on which France was founded are flouted every day.”
Bardella: “A wind of hope”
After his victory, Jordan Bardella asserted that “Emmanuel Macron is a weakened president, shrunken in his means of action in the European Parliament. We are asking him to organize new legislative elections…” He added: “A wind of hope has risen in France, and it’s only just begun. With this historic score for the RN, the French have expressed their attachment to France, its sovereignty, its prosperity, its security… our compatriots have expressed their desire for change.”
Following this rout for the presidential party, the Head of State decided to dissolve the National Assembly (see elsewhere).
L’article European elections : The post-Macron era is underway est apparu en premier sur FrenchDailyNews.